Laser Therapy for
Neck Pain Relief

Posted on April 23, 2014 by Dr. Andrea Hoglen

Did you know that as much as 24% of the US population complains of neck pain?

That is 1 in every 4 people!

In my experience, one of the major contributing factors is the amount of time we spend looking at electronic devices.

Are you seated at a computer desk with bad posture? Reading this on a tablet or phone with your gaze downward at the screen? What about a laptop on your lap, using bad neck posture?

Though using good posture is obviously key, most of my patients want relief from their pain NOW. Personally, I feel that the best treatment for neck pain is a neck adjustment performed by a qualified Chiropractic Physician. I get instant relief from headaches and tension with a properly performed Chiropractic Adjustment.

Unfortunately, though, some individuals have residual muscle pain even after their adjustment. Low Level Laser Therapy is something I use in addition to adjustments, or by itself, in order to help reduce pain and increase healing in the affected tissues.

Research supports the use of Low Level Laser Therapy to fight neck pain.

Studies reveal that the use of Low Level Laser Therapy can help to decrease pain, reduce recurrence of pain, and even decrease the instance of neck-related disability.

Low Level Laser Therapy takes only minutes to perform, and it is completely painless. It is also an affordable care option for those with and without health insurance benefits. 

Reference: Chow, R. T., G. Z. Heller, and L. Barnsley. The Effect of 300 MW, 830 Nm Laser on Chronic Neck Pain: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study, Pain 124 (2006): 201-10.  View Article.

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